Thursday, July 21, 2011

summer and swim lessons

Well, I am not going to lie and say this summer has been all peaches and cream.. 2 boys and unlimited time together often results in quite a few battles, wrestling matches, crying,biting, I need to go on?? These boys love eachother, dont get me wrong, but there must be a line drawn somewhere with spending toooooo much time together! I think I will greatly appreciate the new school year when it begins.
We have been taking swim lessons the past 2 weeks and the boys have loved every minute of it. I am so excited to say that they have graduated from the turtles to the penguins! haha. Whatever that means right?! Here are a few pics from our adventure thus far.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

We decided to head to the beach for the day on Father's Day. It was so much fun and the waves were almost non-exsistent! We recently got the boys life jackets so they could float around in the ocean safely and this was the perfect day to test them out. We topped off the day with a visit to Cold Stone. It was a much needed day of rest for one stressed out daddy. I am so thankful for Christopher and what an amazing man, father, and leader of our family that he has been. We love you soooooo much!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dear Friends old and NEW!

Fast Friends!

They boys and I went to Columbia to visit my parents for Carter's Spring Break. It was rainy and yucky but on THIS day we were in the company of dear sweet friends so it made everything like rainbows and sunshine! Kelley,my best friend since 4th grade, lives in Columbia too with her family. We always make a big effort to see them whenever we are anywhere close to Columbia! Below is a picture of Carter and Drew with Kelley's 2 little ones Mac and Arden. They played so nicely together and Kelley and I were able to catch up and laugh and pick right back up where we left off. We really are kindred spirits and lifelong friends whose lives inexplicably mirror each other rather closely. We got married a week apart AND had babies 2 weeks apart. I showed up at her house wearing a black shirt and jeans...guess what she was wearing? Yep, a black shirt and jeans. Too funny. Wish I would have gotten a pic of the 2 of us!! Darn it!Next time. I am so thankful for her REAL friendship and unconditional love and support!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Boys trip to the Dentist= SUCCESS!

Took Carter and Drewby to the dentist today! This was Carter's second attempt and Drew's first trip. Carter flipped out a year ago when we went to get his teeth cleaned for the first time. What a difference a year has made for him! He was so brave and very, very curious about every gadget. The hygenist loved him and was very patient and took time to answer every single question. Drew was super brave as well. He could have cared less that someone was in his mouth working. Only he couldnt suck his thumb... :)

Carter's 5th bday

Carter turned 5 this month!! I simply cannot believe he is FIVE. I refuse to believe it. He is at such a fun age. His little personality to being to come out and most of the time it is adorable and charming. However, he is definitely getting a lot more emotional and passionate when it comes to things that go wrong in his little "perfect" world. Here's to my precious Carter!! We love you so very, very much!

Things I love about Carter:

His love for the Lord and his incredible understanding of who Jesus is from a very early age.

His outgoing and fun personality.

His ability to make friends whereever we go in only a matter of minutes!

His love for monkey bars.(that cost him a broken elbow!)

His brilliant mind.( Of course I would think so, Im his mommy!)

His beautiful eyes and smile.

His ability to way over the top exaggerate when he scraps his knee...BLLLOOOOOOOD!!

The list goes on and on..

Here are a few pics that we took around his bday time. The last one is of our sweet friends Rachel, Caroline and Sims with Carter and Drew celebrating his bday early. The rest are of our family party we had here. We had planned a big blow up waterslide party for his 5th bday, but since he broke his elbow 2 days before the party, we had to postpone!

Monday, February 21, 2011

How many girlfriends?

I was driving down the road today singing along with my boys to Brad Paisely( I know, poor boys who are stuck in the car with my music preferences!) and Carter says....
Soooo mom, How many girlfriends am I allowed to have at a time?? It was really priceless. He wasnt even kidding. Totally serious. I tried to steer the conversation in a different way telling him that he can have as many girls that are his friends as he wants. He then goes, No mom, you know what I mean, like a GIRLfriend girlfriend. whoa. Can we slow things down a bit casanova??

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

BFF's fo sho!

Our favorite house guests, the Heise's, came over this past weekend for some good food and good times. It was so much fun as always. The kiddos love eachother and get so excited to play together! They have grown up so much! I cant believe Carter and Rachel have been friends since Carter was 8 mo old and Rachel was 1!Just look at how cute they were playing together when they were little! Notice how Carter is clinching his fists and mad in the pic of them playing. So funny! Time really has gone by so fast. Love those Heise's more and more everyday!